We regularly update the game in the App Stores.
Sometimes it can take up to 24 hours for an update to naturally appear on your device.
If you believe an update is available, but are not seeing it in the App Stores, you can follow the below instructions to check if an update is available:
For Apple iOS users:
1. Open the App Store
2. Tap your profile icon at the top right of the screen.
3. Swipe/pull down on that screen to refresh the page & check for updates.
4. Scroll down to see the "Available Updates" section. You should see Love Island The Game 2 listed. Tap update to update the game.
2. Tap your profile icon at the top right of the screen.
3. Swipe/pull down on that screen to refresh the page & check for updates.
4. Scroll down to see the "Available Updates" section. You should see Love Island The Game 2 listed. Tap update to update the game.
For Android Users:
1. Open the Google Play store
2. Tap on your profile (top right in the search bar)
3. Tap on "Manage apps and device"
4. Under the "Updates available" section, tap "see details"
5. Love Island The Game 2 should be listed here, tap on Update to update the game
If you're still not seeing an update available, please wait a few hours as it will appear shortly. Sometimes it can take up to 24 hours for an update to appear in the app stores. Thank your for your patience!